9:00 AM09:00

2022 AWP Role Models for Youth Celebration

  • 119 East Washington Boulevard Pasadena, CA, 91103 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This video is the Aspires West Pasadena 2022 Role Models for Youth Celebration wherein we recognize and celebrate local outstanding graduating high school students and our community role models who have lit pathways for their future successes.

Aspires West Pasadena (AWP) seeks to harness the vast resources of wisdom, knowledge and experience available within our community and apply those resources to the needs of local students. AWP seeks to instill positive social values and provide training in fundamental academic and social skills for students and parents. AWP is a cooperative partnership between Pasadena's Scott United Methodist Church and other local faith-based organizations, the Pasadena Unified School District, Pasadena City College and other local academic institutions, and the local business community.

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Annual Role Models for Youth Virtual Celebration
11:00 AM11:00

Annual Role Models for Youth Virtual Celebration

Aspires West Pasadena Celebrates 'New Horizons & Opportunities'

We are celebrating some quite deserving “High School Graduates” and a group of outstanding, caring and supportive “Role Models” that will give them a big send-off into the future. We are very optimistic about the future in spite of the pandemic. Join the Aspires Board, Friends of Aspires, Families & Friends in making this auspicious event not only meaningful to our honorees, but also enable our program to continue to “Inspire so Others May Aspire.”

You can provide support for this event by:

When: Sat, August 21, 2021, 11:00-12:30pm

Where: AWP YouTube Channel

Download your program here

  • Sponsoring a Student Scholarship of $500.00 (or any amount to the scholarship fund).
  • Placing an Ad (Congratulations to student and/or adult, shout out your business or services (see form)
  • General Donation of any amount.

All donations may be sent via the Donate button above or directly to the Program: Aspires West Pasadena, 444 N. Orange Grove Boulevard, Pasadena, CA 91103

We truly appreciate your prayers for success to continue to serve and make a contribution to our world.

Contact if you have any questions:

David L. Jacobs, Program Director | | Phone (626) 794-9031

**Please share this information with others who may be interested in supporting the event and/or the Aspires Program. Detailed information (how to join the Zoom / view the video on YouTube) will be provided on the website week of the event and to those who provide email & phone #.

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11:00 AM11:00

2020 Role Models for Youth Luncheon

2020 Luncheon Tickets 2020 Luncheon Tickets 2020 Luncheon Tickets
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2020 Luncheon Tickets
from $80.00

Where: Brookside Country Club

When: Sat. June 27, 2020, 11:00 - 3:00 pm

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11:00 AM11:00

2019 Annual Assemblyman Chris Holden's Block Party

  • 500 Block of East Jackson Street in Pasadena (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The 20th Annual District Block Party and Resource Fair is right around the corner. We invite you for an open discussion on legislative and community issues, while enjoying live music, a classic car show, and so much more!

This will be Aspires 5th year participating!

Below is a list of local and state resources participating to provide useful information about their programs and to help answer your questions:

The Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz), Department of Motor Vehicles Department of Consumer Affairs Department of Developmental Services California Office of Emergency Services Department of Insurance Covered California Employment Development Department Franchise Tax Board Governor’s Office Business and Economic Development California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire)

We look forward to seeing you there!

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5:00 PM17:00

2019 School Closing Ceremony

Gathering parents, students, friends, and family to celebrated the culimation of another year!

Come for some food and fun!

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11:00 AM11:00

2018 Annual Assemblyman Chris Holden's Block Party

  • 500 Block of East Jackson Street in Pasadena (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This is the 4th year that Aspires West Pasadena has been invited to participate at Assemblyman (District #41) Chris Holden's Block Party. Dr. Jacqueline Jacobs registered for participation. Dr. David L. Jacobs and his team, Juan Castaneda, Amber Hedges, Adrian Paredes, and Aaleia Pinnock followed through with the plans. Ms. Betty J. Ford, Ms. Alva Mayo, Ms. Megan Pinnock, and Pasadena Fire Chief Bertral Washington also came by.

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3:30 PM15:30

Latino Heritage Month: Aztecas

Ms. Jeanette Garcia, Office Manager at Aspires West Pasadena Center created a teachable moment by sharing the culture of the ancient Aztecs through dance.

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3:30 PM15:30
11:00 AM11:00

2017 Role Models for Youth Luncheon

Over 100 people attended this year's Aspires West Role Models for Youth Luncheon on March 25, 2017 at the Brookside Golf Club in Pasadena, CA. The Role Models being honored were: Mrs. Joanna H. Foster, Pasadena Fire Chief Bertral T. Washington, Mr. David Whitfield, and Mrs. Heather Wilson. The Student Honorees were Taj Bailey (John Muir High School), Britne Brown (William Blair High School), Aleena Drummond (William Blair High School), Aleeza Drummond (William Blair High School), Keimani Mc. Nair (Pasadena High School), and Giovanni Vargas (Marshall Fundamental High School).

The students were also inspired by U.S. Congresswoman Judy Chu, California State Senator Anthony Portantino, and California Assemblyman Chris Holden. Each student received a scholarship award and proclamation from the politicians.

Also in attendance were special guests Mrs. Sandra Greenstein, Attorney Larry Meyer, Rev. Dr. James Stevenson and Mrs. Sara Stevenson, as well as Mrs. Elsie Rogers, wife of Aspires West Founder Dr. Cornish Rogers.

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11:00 AM11:00

2016 Annual Assemblyman Chris Holden's Block Party

AWP spread the love for the third year in a row again this year at Assemblyman Chris Holden's annual Block Party. Over 300 books were given to the children and adults that attended. Aspires Board Members, Friends of Aspires, members of the MLK Community Coalition, and Girl Scout Troop #411 (and others) distributed flyers, pens, candy, brochures, and even watermelon slices to the large number of children and adults who attended.

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2:00 PM14:00

2016 School Closing Ceremony

Aspires West Pasadena completed its third year of operating the Aspires West Student Success Center in Pasadena, California in May. The event included a program starring the children, and a party held on the campus to celebrate this auspicious occasion. Parents, staff, volunteers and friends from the community came together to socialize and eat delicious food at this wonderful event.

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11:00 AM11:00

2016 Annual Role Models for Youth Luncheon

This year, the 2016 Role Model for Youth Luncheon celebrated the accomplishments of graduating high school seniors and the legacy of one of our community's outstanding theological scholars.

For sixteen years, Dr. Rogers shared words of wisdom and encouragement at our annual luncheon. In the wake of his passing, this year through the Role Model for Youth luncheon program we celebrated his memory and recognized his key role in being a quintessential model of leadership and authenticity.

Dr. Rogers provided support and aided Aspires West Pasadena in meeting the challenges of growing a program from a seed of possibility to a reality. Aspires West remembers with warm gratitude Dr. Roger's legacy of community service and encourages all to carry the mantel left by him.

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11:00 AM11:00

2015 Annual Assemblyman Chris Holden's Block Party

  • 500 Block of East Jackson Street in Pasadena (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


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11:30 AM11:30

2015 Annual Role Models for Youth Luncheon

Each year, AWP hosts a luncheon honoring some of the outstanding and noteworthy role models within the community to expose our youth to their stories. The luncheon also serves as Aspires' major fundraiser for ongoing programs such as tutoring, parent education, career exploration, mentoring and social development. All contributions to the luncheon are tax deductible.

The Role Models for Youth Luncheon is also an opportunity to acknowledge Pasadena Unified School District graduating high school seniors. Selected high school seniors announce their future academic or vocational plans and receive special recognition and awards for their achievement.

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